These are the four pillars of the Building Unity Movement

  • Peace: War is destroying lives and our planet, and it is draining the resources needed to transition to a survivable future. On a national and global scale, we must focus on meeting basic human and ecological needs. War has no place in our plan for survival.

  • Justice: We must unite in solidarity against all policies that are based in racism, sexism, capitalism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or any other form of oppression. As mentioned above, we must meet the needs of humans everywhere. We must learn to share and care for each other in a way that recognized that we are one people with one shared destiny. Equity needs to be central to all that we do.

  • Sustainability: It is now or never! There is overwhelming consensus in the scientific community that we need to reduce emissions in half by 2030 and become carbon neutral by 2050. Doing so will require a transformation across our economy, mobilizing renewable energy and moving away from fossil fuels as quickly as possible. It presents the biggest opportunity of our lifetimes for millions of good paying jobs, a much needed update to our infrastructure, and cleaner air and water for all of us to enjoy. Failing to act now will lock us into a world of increasingly devastating natural disasters that are ever more expensive and disruptive to deal with. 

  • Democracy: Voter suppression and fraud, big money politics, gerrymandering, and an under-informed (lied to) and under-involved populous has left us with a plutocracy, not a democracy. We need to turn this around if we are going to address the existential crises that we face – and we need to do so now.

It is only by fully embracing a complete and uncompromising platform based on all four of these essential pillars, that we stand a chance of building the kind of unity that is necessary to change the social, political, and ecologic crises that we now face.