Voter suppression and fraud, big money politics, gerrymandering, and an under-informed (lied to) and under-involved populous has left us with a plutocracy, not a democracy. We need to turn this around if we are going to address the existential crises that we face – and we need to do so now.

For a Real Democracy:

  • Establish a right to vote in the Wisconsin Constitution, automatically register all citizens to vote and ensure universal mail-in ballots. 
  • Secure the voter-verified paper ballot and citizens’ right to verified election results before they are declared final.
  • Support adequate (fully competitive) public financing of all elections and a national popular vote for the presidency.
  • Create and ensure a nonpartisan, transparent process for the redrawing of all election districts that requires local public commentary from diverse communities, including public hearings, and ensure independent, nonpartisan election administration.
  • End partisan gerrymandering and move to an election system of proportional representation and ranked-choice voting.
  • Honor treaty rights, consultation rights,  jurisdiction, and sovereignty of native nations in local and state decisions.
  • Support the national and state U.S. Constitutional amendments stating that money is not speech and that only human beings have U. S. Constitutional rights.